I love unique art works, mixed media, textures and all that but the cost of some art supplies is way out of my budget to use on a regular basis. Even decent paint is sometimes means scrimping for weeks. But I have found a cheap and fantastic alternative to modelling paste that anyone can use.

My prize winning and most popular painting Sunset After Storm has a textured bottom half. I watched a tv show where the artist used modelling paste to created a textured canvas to paint on. I was only working casually at the time I saw this, money was scarce so I did some thinking and came up with an idea. (I happened to also come across the same technique at an art shop I visited around the time too- Must have been a sign!).

Sunset After Storm So here’s what I used. I mixed PVA glue and plaster of paris powder to a consistancy similar to modelling paste and off I went. I spread it over the bottom half of my canvas in a rough, lumpy pattern and let it dry. Then I painted over it. And wollah, you have the finished product

Beware- the mix dries really quickly in contact with air, so make it in small batches. Make sure you create your texture or pattern in the plaster/glue mix quickly also, otherwise it will harden wherever and however you put it on the canvas. Also be aware of what container you use as the mix can stick to it and become a pain to remove. I use old yoghurt containers or such that I can just throw them away afterwards.

If you use this technique, I’d love to see your end results so feel free to link a pic of you work to this post. Happy creating.
Have the best day ever